
Krie Design, one of the most prominent Croatian fashion brands was founded by Kristina Burja in 2008.

It became well-known, locally, and globally for its distinctive design, specific model cuts, handmade applications, a unique designer signature visible in every collection.

The brand philosophy is based on the creation of unique street-smart fashion, that can be worn throughout the year and sustainability by the usage of eco-friendly, comfortable materials, easy to maintain.

With its flexible apparel line, Krie Design respects individual styling preferences of different target groups and over the years, it became equally desirable by teenagers, businesswomen, and ladies who age with style.

The core belief

The core belief of Krie Design is, that fashion can be at the same time sustainable and affordable. It is all about making efforts on daily basis and raising awareness in the whole fashion industry.

Materials we use are crucial to our brand’s sustainability, so we work with organic cotton, recycled cotton, organic silk, recycled polyester & polyamide, reducing waste, and minimizing energy consumption during the production process. ECONLY® yarn is a 100% regenerated nylon fiber which is made from recovering nylon waste such as fishing nets, carpets destined to landfill and industrial plastic. It can be recycled endlessly so the waste becomes a resource.

Sustainability for Krie Design not only means the environment but people too. Our clothing is manufactured in Croatia, where we created a development-focused working environment able to ensure a work-life balance for all our employees. As our collections are of limited editions, when talking about the number of items being produced, waste is minimum to none. Only when items are sold out newly ordered is being manufactured in house & in cooperation with third party suppliers that share our values.

Our partners are mainly producers/factories from which we buy leftover fabrics (fabrics that are in small quantities to sell to big manufacturers so sustainable brands buy them to reduce waste in the textile industry) that would otherwise go to waste.

This production principle requires more innovation, higher creativity, and more working hours for dressmaking, but it is part of our brand philosophy, which Krie Design is proud of.

The star of our Summer getaway collection is the Summer getaway bag. Made from the river reed, a strong and durable plant that produces bags, footwear, souvenirs, and more. The bag is made by local craftsmen whose craftsmanship needs to be passed down to younger generations.

With the reed project, Krie Design aims to promote national heritage, preserve traditional techniques for processing reeds, and pass down old crafts to younger generations by collaborating with the local community to safeguard craft heritage. We have started the initiative to create educational programs for eco-school students.

Krie Design launched an initiative to protect the endangered plant species reed, create its

fashion branding, and promote the values of intangible cultural heritage and legacy globally.

In addition, it aims to protect the reed plant in Croatia.

Krie Design is an ethical and sustainable brand based on many principles of the 2030 agenda, which is crucial for Kristina Burja, the designer, and communicating significant social changes through design. Modifie Future carries a strong message, presented and shot in Opatija, at the beautiful locations of Hotel Milenij, which tells a historical story while adapting to the future.

The collection was created from the regenerated fiber ECONYL®, obtained by recycling fishing nets and other discarded nylon. This type of fabric is a call to the future because, besides being created through radical regeneration and purification of nylon waste, it can be recycled infinitely. These innovative formulas are messengers of the future, in which waste becomes a resource and thus saves the planet from generating new waste.

Fashion is one of the most potent global industries. The environmental problems that the textile industry faces today threaten our planet. There is no alternative; a sustainable concept is the only choice.



GFW Mediteraneo

The Krie x DD collection carries a more profound message and reveals an exciting collaboration through an attractive campaign. Kristina collaborates with an extraordinary person, Dina Dragija, who holds a bachelor’s degree in international relations and diplomacy and a master’s degree in anthropology of crime and violence. Besides their friendship, they share a passion for sustainable development within the fashion industry and beyond. The projects that Dina works on are under the patronage of the UN, just like the Green Fashion Week, where Krie Design presents its collections worldwide. 

The connection between these two friends’ projects resulted in the new Krie Design collection, with the campaign shot at attractive locations in Italy, Spain, and France during this year’s Green Fashion Week aims to show that boundaries are not significant regarding ecology. Krie x DD collection was to combine Dina’s youthful energy as a leader with her expertise and experience. The collection offers must-have pieces for this season, such as a coat of eco-certified leather paired with feminine pants and a statement top. There are also striking dresses, sweaters, and coats. Creating the collection was per sustainability principles and has certified fabric origins.

In the Croatian pavilion at Expo 2020 in Dubai, The Krie Design ‘Bow’ dress was exhibited, which connected the United Arab Emirates and Croatia through  design.

Former Croatian president Kolinda Grabar Kitarović, during her visit to the Croatian  Pavilion, took a photo with the unique exhibits,  the Nevera car and the Krie dress, which show Croatia’s new  entrepreneurial energy in the best way.

EXPO 2020 & the Bow dress

In love with the dress

The fact that the famous Arab actress  Mayssa Maghrebi chose a red Krie dress with a bow and caused enthusiasm on  Instagram, where she is followed by three million fans, confirms that the Krie collections delighted the fashion lovers of the United Arab Emirates.

Her colleague, actress Cynthia Samuel, former Miss  Universe Lebanon also shone in the ‘Bow’ dress which is Krie Design’s bestseller.


Tragurium Heritage

IKona Solenta



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