Dobrodošli na stranicu revolucionarnog projekta “Uz more za more: zelena misija za održivu budućnost Hrvatske” koji daje inovativna rješenja te je podržan od strane Ministarstva turizma i sporta Republike Hrvatske, Ministarstva gospodarstva i održivog razvoja i Ministarstva poljoprivrede.
Medijski pokrovitelj projekta je Rezolucija Zemlja-Večernji list.
Ostali pokrovitelji projekta su međunarodne organizacije koje djeluju pod pokroviteljstvom UN-a poput GFW, FSA, HS4A, YLN te Svjetski fond za prirodu WWF.
Cilj ove manifestacije je istaknuti duboku predanost održivom razvoju i aktivnom sudjelovanju u promjeni, te ponuditi INOVATIVNO RJEŠENJEposljedica okolišnog zagađenja, koje će pozicionirati Hrvatsku kao referentnu točku i primjer pozitivne prakse održivog razvoja.
Zaronite s nama u dubine i saznajte kako more postaje naš saveznik u stvaranju održive budućnosti. Zahvaljujući partnerstvu između održivog modnog brenda Krie Design i projekta Provir, ribarske mreže postale su naš tajni saveznik u borbi protiv zagađenja mora i uništavanja planeta. Krenite s nama na putovanje prema modi koja mijenja svijet, jer svaka kreacija priča priču o regeneriranju, očuvanju i nadi za bolju budućnost.
U moru izazova, ovaj projekt vidi priliku. Svjedočimo spoju inovacije i ekologije gdje se odbačene ribarske mreže pretvaraju u sirovinu za održivu modnu kolekciju koja osim inovativnog dizajna nudi poruku potencijalnih rješenja posljedica okolišnog zagađenja.
Naša misija? Čistiti Jadran od odbačenih ili izgubljenih ribarskih mreža i najlonskog otpada, koji će se dostavljati specijaliziranoj tvrtki koja proizvodi vlakno ECONYL® od kojeg nastaju odjevni predmeti koji se beskonačno mogu regenerirati. Tako postavljamo globalni standard održivog kružnog djelovanja.
Naša zelena misija nadilazi okvire modnog svijeta. Mi smo pokret koji simbolizira održivu budućnost Hrvatske, potičući promjenu na lokalnoj i globalnoj razini. Pridružite nam se u stvaranju povijesti, jer svaki korak prema održivosti je korak prema boljoj budućnosti.
O Krie Designu:
Krie Design, pod vodstvom dizajnerice Kristine Burja, slavi desetljeće održive mode na svjetskoj razini. Održive kolekcije Krie Design predstavlja diljem svijeta u sklopu internacionalnog događaja Green Fashion Weeka koji je pod pokroviteljstvom UN-a. U sklopu te izuzetne manifestacije, Krie Design predstavljao je kolekcije u
Portugalu, Los Angelesu, Las Vegasu, Abu Dhabiju, Dubaiju, San Gottardu, San Remu, Milanu te na spektakularnoj lokaciji Augustova foruma u Rimu, gdje je revija održana u pratnji simfonijskog orkestra milanske Scale. U fokusu ovog internacionalnog događaja su održivost u modnoj industriji i ekološki pristup izradi odjeće te je 2017. godine
U Hadrijanovom hramu u Rimu, Kristina kao jedina hrvatska predstavnica, sudjelovala na panelu o održivom razvoju u modnoj industriji, pod pokroviteljstvom talijanskog ministarstva zaštite okoliša. Predstavila je vlastiti rad i u hrvatskom paviljonu na Expo-u 2020 u Dubaiju, gdje je izložena njezina vrlo popularna kreacija, ‘Bow’ haljina. Glavna tema Expo 2020 bila je ‘povezivanje umova i stvaranje budućnosti’ i to kroz održivost, mobilnost i otvaranja raznih mogućnosti
Krie Design u svijetu predstavlja Hrvatsku kao epicentar ekološke revolucije.
O Proviru:
S projektom sakupljanja mreža započeli su početkom 2023. godine. Od tada do danas sakupili su nešto više od 20 tona mreža, mahom su to bile mreže koje su bile ostavljene u prirodi ili po lukama, manjim dijelom iz mora. Na taj način preventivno djeluju da se istrošene mreže adekvatno zbrinjavaju, a ne bacaju u more. U drugoj fazi projekta više će se koncentrirati na mreže i ostale ribarske alate koji su u moru. Stoga su izradili inovativnu aplikaciju u kojoj će korisnici biti ključni partneri u detektiranju i prijavljivanju onečišćenja što će omogućiti precizno djelovanje Provira u organizaciji akcija prikupljanja.
Stvaranje tkanine budućnosti s ECONYL® -om postaje stvarnost. Izvlačenjem ribarskih mreža iz mora i prikupljanjem ostalog najlonskog otpada, postiže se trajna transformacija otpada u beskonačno regenerirajuće vlakno. U ovom procesu, otpad postaje prošlost, a održivost budućnost.

Welcome to the blog dedicated to the revolutionary project “By the Sea for the Sea: A Green Mission for Croatia’s Sustainable Future,” offering innovative solutions and supported by the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of the Republic of Croatia, the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development, and the Ministry of Agriculture.
The media sponsor of the project is Rezolucija Zemlja-Večernji List.
Other project sponsors include international organizations operating under the auspices of the UN, such as GFW, FSA, HS4A, YLN, and the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).
The goal of this initiative is to highlight a deep commitment to sustainable development and active participation in environmental change, offer innovative solutions to environmental pollution, and position Croatia as a benchmark and a positive example of sustainable development practices.
Dive with us into the depths and discover how the sea becomes our ally in creating a sustainable future. Thanks to the partnership between the sustainable fashion brand Krie Design and the Provir project, fishing nets have become our secret weapon in the fight against marine pollution and environmental degradation. Join us on a journey towards fashion that changes the world, as each creation tells a story of regeneration, preservation, and hope for a better future.
Amidst the challenges, this project sees an opportunity. We witness the fusion of innovation and ecology, where discarded fishing nets are transformed into raw materials for a sustainable fashion collection that offers not only innovative design but also a message of potential solutions to the consequences of environmental pollution.
Our mission? To clean the Adriatic of discarded or lost fishing nets and nylon waste, which will be delivered to a specialized company producing ECONYL® fiber, from which infinitely regenerative clothing items are created. Thus, we set a global standard for sustainable circular action.
Our green mission transcends the boundaries of the fashion world. We are a movement symbolizing Croatia’s sustainable future, promoting change at both local and global levels. Join us in making history, as every step towards sustainability is a step towards a better future.
About Krie Design:
Under the leadership of designer Kristina Burja, Krie Design celebrates a decade of sustainable fashion on a global scale. Sustainable collections by Krie Design are showcased worldwide as part of the international Green Fashion Week event, under the UN’s patronage. As part of this exceptional event, Krie Design has presented collections in Portugal, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, San Gottardo, San Remo, Milan, and at the spectacular location of the Augustus Forum in Rome, where the runway show was accompanied by the Milan Symphony Orchestra. The focus of this international event is sustainability in the fashion industry and an ecological approach to clothing production. In 2017, at the Hadrian’s Temple in Rome, Kristina, as the sole Croatian representative, participated in a panel on sustainable development in the fashion industry under the patronage of the Italian Ministry of Environment. She also showcased her work at the Croatian pavilion at Expo 2020 in Dubai, where her highly popular creation, the ‘Bow’ dress, was exhibited. The main theme of Expo 2020 was ‘Connecting Minds, Creating the Future’ through sustainability, mobility, and opening up various possibilities. Krie Design represents Croatia as the epicenter of the ecological revolution.
About Provir:
The project to collect nets began in early 2023. Since then, they have collected over 20 tons of nets, mostly those left in nature or in ports and, to a lesser extent, from the sea. In this way, they act preventively to ensure that worn-out nets are properly disposed of rather than thrown into the sea. In the second phase of the project, they will focus more on nets and other fishing tools in the sea. Therefore, they have developed an innovative application in which users will be key partners in detecting and reporting pollution, enabling Provir to organize precise collection actions.
About ECONYL®:
Creating the fabric of the future with ECONYL® is becoming a reality. By extracting fishing nets from the sea and collecting other nylon waste, we achieve a permanent transformation of waste into infinitely regenerating fiber. In this process, waste becomes a thing of the past, and sustainability becomes the future.